End of November

I should be getting ready for work. And that means moving away from my laptop and over to the office space in our apartment to turn on a desktop computer. It’s supposed to rain today. 90% chance. It’s also the big ol’ tree lighting ceremony. Our refrigerator is making. noises. Well, the freezer fan is probably backed up again, which will requite me to empty it out at some point. I sent out my first newsletter, email campaign from this website. Very excited. Shoutout to my 3 subscribers. In order to protect myself and my love I think I need to do what I’ve been telling myself I needed to do for quite some time. Focus on this part, the website the blog the space I have here and remove myself from the grind and trance that is Instagram and TikTok. Even though that’s the easiest way to gain followers and whatever. SO much has happened this month. I am excited to continue to plan and vision what this space can look like, the apartment is coming together even more. Decluttering is really helping it feel more peaceful. I’m sad I didn’t have therapy last week I think it would’ve been really nice to have a space for all the things going on..I have a lot to unpack this week that’s for sure. My vlog for this week is a continuation of last week’s originally I thought to just out it out all at once, but shorter 5min episodes work best since these days are pretty routine. Alright, I should head to work.


Full Moon, Character Development


Happy Anni NYC