Happy Anni NYC

This past week marks the 2nd year of our NYC move. I don’t know what I’d be doing if I never left. I’m grateful for the detour in March when we packed Ed’s car and drove up from Silverlake. I’m grateful for house sitting the DeVilles and coming to the realization that we needed our own space. And then of course grateful for living at home and saving money to make the big move. Tomorrow’s vlog comes out and includes footage that I documented when we drove cross country. I’m excited to share that story with folx and also excited to continue documenting. I had another therapy session yesterday that was really good. Getting to the bottom of reclaiming control over my artistic process is this week’s goal. Ed really wants to be back in California. I really don’t. LOL I just really enjoy NY. I love being surrounded by people. I love the accessibility. We do need more space. I think we’re thinking of moving to Brooklyn. I would love for us to own a brownstone. oh lord the dreeeeeeeeam. with a guest room for people when they want to visit ny. dreaming dreaming.


End of November

