7/9/24 No Getty Yetty..

I wish I had my older journals here with me. It’s 1:23am. I have not been eating the best, I’m staying up late and every night my room looks like someone is either moving in or moving out. I am someone who believes in the power of the Universe. And the power of healing and humor. And tonight I listened to Neil Degrasse Tyson talk realities and space and time with Keegan Michael Key waiting for the start of the premiere of “Fly Me to the Moon” I feel like I’m starting over in a lot of ways. And well honestly I am. I definitely started a new account. I’m trying to be intentional with it. I’m trying to be unapologetically beautiful. That’s a really strange thing to admit online, out loud, in a blog. I know I’m pretty.. but like I don’t always feel that way. I did not get my Getty image tonight at the premiere but I guess probably a good thing cause I am literally nobody. Lol. I’m feeling embarrassed to say the least. I do not like pretending to be someone when I am literally. No one. Is this my period talking? Cause it’d be reallly cool if she showed up soon cause.. I’m not sure I’m ready for a little me. I’m still learning to set my morning routines, I can’t do morning sickness! The movie was cute. It made me want to switch up my entire wardrobe. I’ve been wanting to do a huge purge for years. Commit to 1 color for a year or something drastic and annoying and challenging. What if I wore green all year. How much can I simplify my everything.. Embarrassment is such an interesting and complicated emotion. I want to walk around the block naked like I’m on some wild trip, or fly to a foreign country and get real deep into healing my inner child and come back tatted as shit. Idk all of it. Scary things should feel scary. Why am I so afraid to get people’s attention? anyways.. it’s almost 2am. I think I’m ready to go to bed. I should really start to get back into my workouts. That will cheer me up. Let’s focus into getting this body back to healthy since my current mental state is currently soft scrambled egs.


My photos could not be found because my name was mispelled and if that isn’t the most ON BRAND thing for me…lol. Anyways here are some cute ones. Also my period came this morning. WINNER ALL AROUND!


i’m reflecting on artistic aligment and burnout culture